Upcoming Events
Sunday June 3, 2018
Presented by:
Iranian American Parents Association (IAPA) & 'One Life to Live' Program,
Beverly Hills Unified School District,
Beverly Hills Police Department , and
Dr. Nanaz Pirnia
Topics: Violence, Mental illness, how to act, how to prevent, reporting
Bullying, Harassment,
Intimidation and hatred. plus legal issues.
Panelists: Sergeant Mark Cripe, Michael Kade Esq. , Ardy Pirnia Esq. ,
and Dr. Nanaz Pirnia, Psycho-NeuroTherapist . MC: Al Pirnia
3-5pm at Salter Auditorium, BH High School-241 Moreno Drive, BH 90212.
Ages 13 & older , Admission:$10.
TICKETS: IranianHotline.com
Dr. Nanaz Pirnia 310-877-5557 .
Past Events
Theatrical Seminar: Secrets to a Successful Love Relationship
Sunday October 1, 2017
Presented by: Iranian American Parents Association & Dr. Nanaz Pirnia
Presentation by Dr. Pirnia and special performances by renowned actors: Shila Vosough & Fariborz Davoodian.
For all ages , single or married, looking to have a true love relationship.
6-9pm at The Morgan-Wixon Theatre, 2627 Pico Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90405.
IAPA 22nd Anniversary Celebration
October 23, 2016
at The Beverly Hilton
Parents & Youth Seminar & Panel by IAPA & ISCC
Sunday October 9, 2016
4 pm - 7 pm
Iranian American Parents Association 'One Life to Live', ISCC and Dr. Nanaz Pirnia present:
Please join us for an educational & socially interactive meeting in this Age of Anxiety. for Parents & Youth. Topics: Sex, Facebook & safety , DUI, Drugs, Alcohol, Texting & Driving, STD, Dating, Lack of control, Lack of communication.
Open conversation between parents and youth to provide solutions.
Special guest: TEHRAN, Standup Comedian
At Hyatt Regency , 1107 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach. information: 949.679.9911 .
Past Events
Parents & Youth Seminar & Panel by IAPA
Sunday April 17, 2016
4 pm - 7 pm
Iranian American Parents Association 'One Life to Live' and Dr. Nanaz Pirnia present:
Please join us for an educational & socially interactive meeting in this Age of Anxiety. for Parents & Youth. Topics: Sex, Facebook & safety , DUI, Drugs, Alcohol, Texting & Driving, STD, Dating, Lack of control, Lack of communication.
Open conversation between parents and youth to provide solutions.
Hosted by TEHRAN, Standup Comedian
Olympic Collection, 11301 Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles 90064
Click here to see Photo Gallery for This Event
IAPA 20th Anniversary Nowruz Gala
Sunday March 9, 2014
A Persian NOWRUZ Gala of Persian music and dance, with traditional cuisine and cultural Extravaganza.
From 6 pm to midnight
The Beverly Wilshire Hotel, Grand Ballroom, 9500 Wilshire Bl. Beverly Hills, 90212
Assigned seating, limited seating available.
For sponsorship opportunities, and program book advertising, please Call Dr. Nanaz Pirnia at 310.286.1480 .
Net proceed from this event will benefit IAPA's 'One Life to Live' program. and it's tax deductible.
BBC Report from IAPA Nowruz Gala on March 9, 2014
One Life to Live - Seminar for Parents & Teens
Monday March 4, 2013
Addressing Dangerous Challenges Including:
• Addictions & Internet
• Bullying & Family Dysfunction
• Sex, Anger & Violence
Guest Speakers:
• AJ Willmer, IT & Social Media Consultant • Chief David Snowden, BHPD
• Gary W. Woods, Ed.D., Superintendent, Beverly Hills Unified School District
• Lieutenant Joseph Chirillo, BHPD
• Sergeant Mark Cripe, LA County Sheriff Departmen
• Michael Payman Kade, Esq., Criminal Attorney
• Dr. Nanaz Pirnia Ph.D., Psychotherapist, Brain Integration Specialist
Time: 6pm - 9pm
at Four Seasons Hotel, 300 South Doheny Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90048
Field Trip to Correctional Facility
to observe the lives of at risk teenagers with legal issues
Vital Intervention and Development Alternatives
VIDA Program (Vital Intervention and Development Alternatives)
Dr. Nanaz Pirnia, Ph.D., Sergeant Mark Cripe
Radio 670 AM KIRN & STARLINE Tours
Saturday, May 12th 2012
The Federal Building Parking Lot in Westwood
7am drop off
5pm pick up
Limited Space
Admission: $100.00 (ages 13 and up)
Includes lunch
Online Tickets: www.IranianHotline.com
Phone Reservation: 310-358-3337
Email: info@iapabh.org
For more information: Dr. Nanaz Pirnia 310-286-1480
Let us come together to solve dangerous challenges facing our community
Sunday, February 19, 2012 3PM - 6PM
Special Guest: Sheriff Leroy D. Baca
Presenters: Dr. Nanaz Pirnia, Ph.D & Sergeant Mark Cripe
Panelists: Cameron Yadidi, Esq Alaleh Kamran, Esq &
Sam Sharafshahi, Ardy Pirnia, Danni Rabbani, and Sepehr Dardashti
At The Beverly Hilton Hotel
9876 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Admission: $20.00 (ages 13 and up)
Online Tickets: www.IranianHotline.com
Phone Reservation: 310-358-3337 Email: info@iapabh.org
Why Do Women & Men Think and Behave Differently?
Thursday October 27, 2011
Latest Studies on the Emotional, Behavioral, and Social Abilities of the Male vs. Female Brain, Based on New Findings.
Time: 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Beverly Hills Country Club, 3084 Motor Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90064.
Tickets Available At: IranianHotline.com, Phone Reservation: 310-358-3337
Email: info@iapabh.org - Refreshments will be served.
Seminar: How Parents Should Communicate with their Teenagers
Seminar: 11 Essential Elements Leading to Healthy Relationships
June 30,11
Stay for social hour and music after the seminar.
At Beverly Hills Country Club , 3084 Motor Avenue , Los Angeles, CA 90064
Tickets Available At: IranianHotline.com and Phone Reservations: (310) 358-3337
Seminar: How Parents Should Communicate with their Teenagers
May 26,11
A Panel Discussion for Parents to learn Effective Ways to Discipline with Love.
6:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Beverly Hills Country Club, 3084 Motor Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90064.
Tickets Available At: IranianHotline.com and Phone Reservation: 310-358-3337.
Email: info@iapabh.org .
Admission: $20.00
By Iranian American Parents Association - Dr. Nanaz Pirnia
April 28,11
A Panel Discussion and Theatrical/Educational Seminar for parents to learn effective ways to discipline with love.
6:30 PM – 9:00 PM at Beverly Hills Country Club, 3084 Motor Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90064.
Tickets Available At: IranianHotline.com and Phone Reservation: 310-358-3337.
Email: info@iapabh.org .
Admission: $20.00

Dr. Nanaz Pirnia in Collaboration with Iranian American Parents Association(IAPA) Presents:
Family Health: How to Eat Healthy to Prevent Diabetes & Obesity
Diabetes & Obesity, The most prominent epidemics in America today
Speaker: Dr. Nanaz Pirnia
Special Guest Speaker: Dr. Pouya Shafipour, MD
Thursday November 4, 2010 from 6:30 - 9 pm
Complimentary body fat, body composition and blood sugar tests
Seminar in Persian/English
Olympic Collection, 11301 Olympic Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90064
Limited Space, Refreshments will be served
Purchase Tickets Online

IAPA Nowruz Celebration
Sunday March 14, 2010 - 5 pm to 12:30 am, Press Release
The Beverly Hilton, 9876 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills CA 90210

A 5 Step Certificated Program to bring Awareness & Understanding to Our Teenagers (ages 15 - 18) to Prevent:
Tragedies, Addiction, Feeling of Loneliness, Family Alienations, Anger, Frustration, Lack of Direction
With One-of-a-Kind & Exciting Field Trips to:
LA County Jail & Police station
IN COLLABORATION WITH: Sheriff Lee Baca, RADIO IRAN 670AM KIRN, Los Angeles Iranian-American Sheriff Advisory Council, Beverly Hills Police Department
Kick-off & Registration: Sunday October, 11, 2009 2-5 pm
Special Guest Speaker: Sheriff Lee Baca
Location: The Beverly Hilton (Wilshire Ballroom)
IAPA supports Superivsor Antonovich - August 6, 2009

Dr. Nanaz Pirnia, Psychologist/Neuro-Integration therapist, Family/Marriage Counselor Presents her seminar series (in Farsi & English) in collaboration with the IAPA, at Beverly Hilton Hotel
August 17, 2009
How to Communicate with your Teenagers
For ages 15-19, to create harmony and respect. Please bring your teens for an open dialogue discussion about their issues. (For parents and teens).
Monday July, 20th
How to have optimal brain function for a successful life.
New Breakthrough technologies will be demonstrated to treat emotional, behavioral, psychological, educational and developmental issues without medications. Immediate results achieved for Learning Disability, Autism, Asperger, ADD, ADHD, Anger, Depression, Anxiety, Addiction, Eating Disorders, Memory Loss, Dementia and more.
Monday June, 15th
How to deal with challenging teens (ages 13 - 18 years)
Discussing and finding solutions on critical issues such as sex, alcohol, drugs, Internet, driving, parties & more with parents.
Monday May 18th
How to raise happy functional children (ages Birth - 13 years)
Wrong and right ways of parenting (video presentation).
Monday April 20th
How to Communicate with Annoying Parents
An opportunity for parents and teens to brainstorm and learn how to have Effective Communication.
Wrong Choices & Tragic Consequences of DUI Thursday Oct 16,08 A Seminar by Dr. Nanaz Pirnia, Psychologist, Alaleh Kamran, Attorney at law and Cameron Yadidi , Attorney at Law International Ballroom, The Beverly Hilton View the report |
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The Iranian American Parents Association Celebrates Now Ruz 1386!
Sunday March 11, 2007 - 3 pm to 11 pm
International Ballroom, The Beverly Hilton
9876 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Celebrate the Persian New Year and the arrival of spring from 3 to 10 p.m. on Sunday, March 11, 2007 as the Iranian American Parents Association presents the 14th Bi-Annual NowRuz Festival, a gala event to honor the teachers of the Beverly Hills Unified School District.
The special event is taking place at The Beverly Hilton, co-sponsored by The Beverly Hilton.
Highlights of this NowRuz extravaganza include the presentation of three Humanitarian Plaques to distinguished honorees, music and dancing, traditional Persian cuisine and cultural displays. Entertainment will be provided by Black Cats, Sadegh Nojouki & Friends (International Band), Fashion Show, Djanbazian Dance Company and much more.
The Iranian American Parents Association Now Ruz celebration 1384!
Monday March 14, 2005
International Ballroom, The Beverly Hilton
View the report
Beverly Hills Rotary Club Nowruz Celebration, 2004
IAPA holds a special party for Now Ruz every other year.Numerous dignitories of Beverly Hills, Schools Principals and teachers of Beverly Hills schools are invited to this big event.
Look at some pictures from Now Ruz celebrations during past 14 years: